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BISS GCH Ch Riverlane Vogelbach Hey, Hey Johnny
Ch Riverlane Vogelbach Hey, Hey Johnny
Ch Riverlane Vogelbach Hey, Hey Johnny in Group ring
Co-owned with Udo Starck and Ellen Sparks
Ch Riverlane Vogelbach Hey, Hey Johnny
Ch Riverlane Vogelbach Hey, Hey Johnny winning group 2
Co-owned with Udo Starck and Ellen Sparks
Ch Riverlane Vogelbach Hey, Hey Johnny
Ch Riverlane Vogelbach Hey, Hey Johnny
Co-owned with Udo Starck and Ellen Sparks
Ch Riverlane Vogelbach Hey, Hey Johnny
Ch Riverlane Vogelbach Hey, Hey Johnny
Photo at 6 months
Co-owned with Udo Starck and Ellen Sparks
Ch Riverlane Vogelbach Hey, Hey Johnny
Ch Riverlane Vogelbach Hey, Hey Johnny
Photo at 6 months
Co-owned with Udo Starck and Ellen Sparks
DOB: 7/10/2022
AKC: SS35790901
Color BB
Hips: LR-276285G24M-C-VPI - Good
Elbows: LR-EL123222M24-C-VPI - Normal
Heart Color Doppler - LR-ACA4683/18M-VPI NORMAL AUSC+ECHO
Eyes - Cleared Yearly - LR-EYE31255/21M-VPI
Non-dilute, Does not carry long hair Gene
Paw Prints Labrador Panel - Clear

Select Dog - RCLRC, 01/17/2025 under Kim Jacobson
Select Dog - LRCSC, 01/03/2025 under Stacy Green
BOB - LRCSC, 01/02/2025 under Krista Beal - Fourth Specialty BOB!
BOS - LRCSC, 01/02/2025 under Manuel Queijeiro
Select Dog - Golden Gate LRC, 10/30/2024 under Liz Peggs - New GCH!
BOB - Mt Rainier LRC, 09/13/2024 under Kathy Sneider - Third Specialty BOB!
JAM - PSLRA, 08/24/2024 under Julie Jussaume
JAM - RCLRC, 07/13/2024 under Jean-Louis Blais
Select Dog - RCLRC, 07/11/2024 under Madeleine Charest
JAM - Sierra Vista LRC, 06/06/2024 under Jennifer Kelly
WD, BOW, BOS - SDLRC, 05/24/2024 under Starkey Green - New Champion!
WD, BOW, BOB - SDLRC, 05/24/2024 under Stephanie Harris - Second Specialty BOB!
WD - LRC of the Pioneer Valley, 11/26/2023 under Lenore Severni
Best Op in Sweepstakes - LRC of the Pioneer Valley, 11/26/2023 under Susan Follansbee
WD - LRC of the Pioneer Valley, 11/25/2023 under Sharon Clentano
Best Op in Sweepstakes - LRC of the Pioneer Valley, 11/25/2023 under Susan Ketcham
WD, BOW, BOB, Group2 - LRC of the Pioneer Valley, 11/24/2023 under Manolo Queijeiro -First Specialty BOB!
Best in Sweepstakes - LRC of the Pioneer Valley, 11/24/2023 under Gretchen Boss
RWD, Best Bred by Exhibitor - GGLRC, 10/28/2023 under Tom Shearer
RWD, Best Bred by Exhibitor - GGLRC, 10/27/2023 under Gail Shearer
Best in Sweepstakes - GGLRC, 10/27/2023 under Jen Harmon
RWD from 12-15mo class - LRC National, 10/2023 under Nancy Arbuckle
RWD from 12-15mo class - PSLRA, 8/5/2023 under Jim Bowron
RWD from 12-15mo class - PSLRA, 8/3/2023 under Cindy Skiba
Best in Sweepstakes - PSLRA, 8/3/2023 under Dana Richmond
First place Bred by Exhibitor Puppy - LRCP, 4/2023 under Sussie Wiles
Best in Sweepstakes - SJVLRC, 3/2023 under Stacey Tabaka-Green

Parents Grand Parents Great Grand Parents
Sire: Night Single Great Genus Winners
Sire: Aster Liberti Labro Hamburg
Dam: Aster Liberti Labro Gollandiya
Sire: Ch. Gallivant Black Russian
Sire: Ch. Paradocs Bellwether Heath
Dam: Ch. Gallvant Bigpines Kenya
Dam: Ch. Big Pine Faith In Africa
Sire: Ch. Dickendall Buckstone Three Dog Night
Sire: Ch. Zinfndel Lengley's Big Papi
Dam: Lengley's Consider The Lillies Of Zinfindel
Dam: Riverlane's Miracle
Sire: Ch. Ghoststone's Otterly Fantastic Hollywood Kid
Dam: Riverlane Skye's Black Friday
Dam: Ch. Skye's Are You The One JH CD
All photos and text on this site Copyright © Riverlane Labradors unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved. Reuse or reproduction of any kind, electronic or otherwise, is prohibited and also not very nice.