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At Riverlane Labradors we (Greg and Susan Huntzinger) have been showing, breeding and training Labrador Retrievers for over 30 years. All of the dogs in our breeding program have OFA (Orthopedic Foundation for Animals) hip and elbow certification, and Heart Color Doppler as well as CERF (Canine Eye Registration Foundation) clearances.

Riverlane Labradors is located just South of Portland, Oregon in the beautiful Willamette Valley.

New Champion!
Ch Riverlane Vogelbach Hey, Hey Johnny (Elton)
Ch Riverlane Vogelbach Hey, Hey Johnny
Finished, going WD, BOW, BOB and WD, BOS
at the San Diego Specialty

Recent Show Results
11/2023 - LRC of the Pioneer Valley shows
Riverlane Vogelbach Hey, Hey Johnny (Co-owned with Udo Starck and Ellen Sparks ) - Best in Sweepstakes at 11/24/2023 show under Gretchen Boss.
Riverlane Vogelbach Hey, Hey Johnny (Co-owned with Udo Starck and Ellen Sparks ) - WD, BOW, BOB, Group 2 at 11/24/2023 show under Manolo Queijeiro.
Riverlane Vogelbach Hey, Hey Johnny (Co-owned with Udo Starck and Ellen Sparks ) - Best Op in Sweepstakes at 11/25/2023 show under Susan Ketcham.
Riverlane Vogelbach Hey, Hey Johnny (Co-owned with Udo Starck and Ellen Sparks ) - WD at 11/25/2023 show under Sharon Clentano.
Riverlane Vogelbach Hey, Hey Johnny (Co-owned with Udo Starck and Ellen Sparks ) - Best Op in Sweepstakes at 11/26/2023 show under Susan Follansbee.
Riverlane Vogelbach Hey, Hey Johnny (Co-owned with Udo Starck and Ellen Sparks ) - WD at 11/26/2023 show under Lenore Severni.
10/2023 - GGLRC shows
Riverlane Vogelbach Hey, Hey Johnny (Co-owned with Udo Starck and Ellen Sparks ) - Best in Sweepstakes at 10/27/2023 show under Jen Harmon.
Riverlane Vogelbach Hey, Hey Johnny (Co-owned with Udo Starck and Ellen Sparks ) - RWD, Best Bred by Exhibitor at 10/27/2023 show under Gail Shearer.
Riverlane Vogelbach Hey, Hey Johnny (Co-owned with Udo Starck and Ellen Sparks ) - RWD, Best Bred by Exhibitor at 10/28/2023 show under Tom Shearer.
10/2023 - LRC National
Riverlane Vogelbach Hey, Hey Johnny (Co-owned with Udo Starck and Ellen Sparks ) - RWD from 12-15 mo class under Nancy Arbuckle.
8/2023 - PSLRA shows
Riverlane Vogelbach Hey, Hey Johnny (Co-owned with Udo Starck and Ellen Sparks ) - Best in Sweepstakes at 8/3/2023 show.
Riverlane Vogelbach Hey, Hey Johnny (Co-owned with Udo Starck and Ellen Sparks ) - RWD from 12-15 mo class at 8/3/2023 show under Cindy Skiba.
Riverlane Vogelbach Hey, Hey Johnny (Co-owned with Udo Starck and Ellen Sparks ) - RWD from 12-15 mo class at 8/5/2023 show under Jim Bowron.
6/2023 - Sierra Vista Specialty shows
Riverlane Vogelbach I'm Your Huckleberry (Co-owned with Udo Starck and Ellen Sparks ) - Best in Sweepstakes at 6/8/2023 show under Jeff Heim.
Riverlane Vogelbach I'm Your Huckleberry (Co-owned with Udo Starck and Ellen Sparks ) - Best Op in Sweepstakes at 6/9/2023 show under Lisa Colombani.
4/2023 - LRCP
Riverlane Vogelbach Hey, Hey Johnny (Co-owned with Udo Starck and Ellen Sparks ) - First place Bred By Exhibitor Puppy under Sussie Wiles.
3/2023 - SJVLRC
Riverlane Vogelbach Hey, Hey Johnny (Co-owned with Udo Starck and Ellen Sparks ) - Best in Sweepstakes under Stacey Tabaja-Green.
Ch. Skyes Riverlane's Token Republican (at 24 months old)
Ch. Skyes Riverlane's Token Republican (at 24 months old)
Visit the Archive Page!
Please take the time to look at our Archive page where we have photos and pedigrees of dogs of the past, such as our beautiful Ch Daylight Riverlane's Gwen CD WC, and her sire Ch Sailin' Cajun's Casanova CD WC (Casey). The Archive page is also where you'll find photos and pedigrees of dogs who have retired from our breeding program such as Hyspire Riverlane's Lilith (Lil), and Riverlane's Full Throttle JH (Nitro). The entries for these dogs tell where they are and what they are doing.
All about our Reference Section!
If you're new to our site, be sure to visit our Reference Section where we provide some information about dogs in general and Labrador Retrievers in particular. Much of this information comes from our “Puppy Booklet”. This booklet has evolved over more than 20 years of breeding Labs and answers many of the questions new owners have. A copy of this booklet goes home with every dog that we sell.
All photos and text on this site Copyright © Riverlane Labradors unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved. Reuse or reproduction of any kind, electronic or otherwise, is prohibited and also not very nice.
Ch Daylight Riverlanes Gwen CD, WC
Ch Daylight Riverlanes Gwen CD, WC