GCh Dolce Vita Spice'n Up Riverlane
(2011 - 2023)
GCh Dolce Vita Spice'n Up Riverlane BOW Rose City Classic 2014
GCh Dolce Vita Spice'n Up Riverlane Best of Sweepstakes LRC Potomac 2013
Spice is co-owned with Ellen Sparks (Westdale)
DOB 12/6/2011
OFA Hips: Good LR-206999G25F-VPI
OFA Elbows: Normal LR-EL61687F25-VPI
Eyes LR-382481 - Cleared Yearly
Optigen- Clear by Parentage
OFA Heart: Normal LR-CA6409/13F/C-VPI-ECHO
Select Bitch in both specialties - Puget Sound LRA, 8/2017
Select Bitch in both specialties - Rose City LRC, 7/2016
Best of Opposite Sex - Clark County KC, 12/2015
Best of Breed - GGLRC, 10/2015
Best of Opposite Sex - GGLRC, 10/2015
Best of Breed - PSLRA, 8/2015
Select Bitch - RCLRC, 7/2015
WB, BOW, BOS - Rose City Classic Cluster Day 2, 1/2014
WB, BOS - Rose City Classic Cluster Day 3, 1/2014
RWB - Rose City Classic Cluster Day 4, 1/2014
Reserve WB - PSLRA Day 2, 8/2013
WB, BOW - PSLRA Day 1, 8/2013
Best in Sweepstakes - LRC Potomac, 4/2013
RWB from 9-12 Class - GGLRC, 9/2012